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Book Author: Liane Moriarty

HERE ONE MOMENT by Liane Moriarty: Book Review

Imagine yourself on a plane from Hobart to Sydney, Australia.  You are sitting quietly, perhaps reading a book or watching the small screen on the back of the seat in front of you.  Suddenly a middle aged woman begins walking down the narrow aisle, pausing for a few moments at each row, saying something, and then moving on.  At first nothing seems amiss, but after she stops several times there’s a stir in the air as if something unpleasant is happening.

It takes a few minutes for people to realize the situation.  The woman is talking at the passengers, not to them.  As she moves down the aisle, people begin to understand her words.  “I expect catastrophic stroke.  Age seventy-two.”  “Heart disease.  Age eight-four.”  “Workplace accident.  Age forty-three.”  “Drowning.  Age seven.”

The woman making these predictions, later to become known as the “Death Lady,” had boarded the plane quietly, nobody noticing her.  But she and several of the travelers whose futures she predicts would shortly be known all over the country.

The passengers to whom the woman speaks react differently.  Not surprisingly, the ones whose deaths were predicted at more advanced ages were not unduly upset.  Eighty-four.  Ninety-three. Ninety-five.  Those predictions were okay.  But thirty-seven.  Forty-three.  Seven.  Not okay.

The flight attendants, all of whom are busy with unrelated tasks, aren’t aware of exactly what’s going on, but finally the cabin manager Alexa is alerted and is able to lead the woman back to her seat.  Her final comment is directed to Alexa.  “I expect self-harm—age…age..twenty-eight.”

The talking among the passengers continues until the plane lands.  There is a lot of conversation about psychic powers, their reliability or lack thereof.  But then the first death occurs, exactly as predicted, followed by two more.  It’s scary.

The novel is told in various voices.  We hear from Alexa; Ethan, a passenger who is told he will die at thirty (he’s twenty-nine); Paula, a young mother whose son is predicted to die by drowning at age seven; and several others.  We note their reactions to the predictions and wonder, what would we do in that situation?

We also hear from the woman who has become notorious.  Although she doesn’t say more to each individual than their age of death and the cause, she observes, “Fate won’t be fought,” which is hardly comforting for those whose death date is sooner rather than later.

Here One Moment, as well as being an outstanding mystery, is a novel that is truly thought-provoking.  It raises at least two questions.  First, do you believe in prophesies?  Second, if you do, how would you try to avoid yours, assuming it told of your early or imminent death?  Would you give up your favorite hobby, rock climbing, if you were told you’d die in a fall?  Would you never go in the water if it were foretold that you would drown?  Or would you dismiss the predictions and proceed with your life as if you’d never been told the date and manner of your demise?

Liane Moriarty continues her streak of excellent thrillers, novels with excellent plots and characters you care about.  You can read more about her at various sites on the web.

Check out the complete Marilyn’s Mystery Reads at her website.  In addition to book review posts, there are sections featuring Golden OldiesPast Masters and Mistresses, and an About Marilyn column that features her opinions about everything to do with mystery novels.

APPLES NEVER FALL by Liane Moriarty: Book Review

The Delaney family has a very good life.  The parents, Joy and Stan, had been and continue to be outstanding tennis players, and when their competitive careers were over they started a tennis camp, nurturing their own children and other youngsters who went on to win tournaments.

Although Joy loves her children, she’s unhappy that none of them has given her a grandchild, something she desires with all her heart.  Now that she and Stan are no longer running the camp, her life doesn’t seem as fulfilled or busy as it was, and she’s sure a grandchild or two would fill that void.  She knows better than to mention it to either Brooke or Logan, the former married and the latter engaged, but she thinks about it all the time.

Then, into their lives one night comes a young woman who might fulfill the longing Joy has for someone to care for now that their own children are grown and living away from home.  The doorbell rings and when Stan answers it, a young woman, a stranger, stands on the other side of the threshold.

She wears a shirt with old grease stains on it and ripped jeans, but not in the stylish way.  No shoes or socks, her feet are purple with cold, and on her face is a fresh cut that is bleeding.  She doesn’t introduce herself but tells them she had a fight with her boyfriend, ran out of their apartment, and got into a taxi.  When she saw the lights on in the Delaneys’ house, she told the driver to stop because she thought the house appeared friendly, and she jumped out and onto their doorstep.

She looks scared and apologetic, and there’s no way Joy is letting her go out into the street again at this time of night, so Samantha, as she finally identifies herself, is their overnight guest.  Then she doesn’t leave.

Apples Never Fall is told in varying voices and time frames.  Joy is the main voice, but the children, Amy, Brooke, Trevor, and Logan, all have a part in the narrative.  And the first thing the reader learns is that now, several months after Samantha moved into Amy’s old room, Joy Delaney is missing.

Stan doesn’t seem to be very upset about his absent wife.  The Delaney children are concerned about their mother but not in agreement about what to do.  Joy hasn’t been in contact with any of them for over a week, an unheard of period of time, but at least two of the siblings are fearful that their father may become a suspect if they go to the police.  But how long can they, should they, wait while their mother remains missing?

There are brilliant clues in this novel, clues that the reader (at least this one) doesn’t understand until the end.  The Delaneys’ dog and the neighbor’s cat each have their own part in the mystery, as does an unwanted magnet and an ugly rug, but their importance isn’t obvious until the book’s end.  The skill with which the author buries the hints is truly Christie-esque.

Liane Moriarty has written an outstanding mystery, with an ending I doubt many readers will see coming; I certainly didn’t.  You can read more about her at this website.

Check out the complete Marilyn’s Mystery Reads at her website.  In addition to book review posts, there are sections featuring Golden OldiesPast Masters and Mistresses, and an About Marilyn column that features her opinions about everything to do with mystery novels.