Book Reviews
LOVE SONGS FROM A SHALLOW GRAVE by Colin Cotterill: Book Review
“I celebrate the dawn of my seventy-fourth birthday handcuffed to a lead pipe. I’d had something more traditional in mind….” That’s the opening of Love Songs from a Shallow Grave.
Dr. Siri is the hero, in every sense, of Colin Cotterill’s series of books set in the Laotian capital of Vientiane in the late 1970s. The doctor is a passive Communist and ready to retire when the new regime takes over from the monarchy, but he’s forced into becoming the country’s one and only coroner.
In Love Songs he has recently married Madame Daeng and is looking forward to a relaxing weekend with her when he’s pulled out of the local cinema by the Vietnamese head of security. Laos is an independent country, but it is very dependent on good relations with Vietnam, its more powerful neighbor. So the doctor reluctantly follows Chief Phoumi to the former American compound where they find a young woman who has been run through with a fencing sword, an epee to be exact.
Then, a couple of days later, another young woman is found in a similar situation, run through with yet another epee. What can be the connection between these two women, who as far as can be determined were strangers to each other?
The usual group of Dr. Siri’s friends appear in this novel. There’s the police detective Phosy, his wife nurse Dtui, morgue assistant Mr. Geung, the doctor’s close friend Civilai, and of course the doctor’s new wife, Madame Daeng. In addition to helping Dr. Siri, each has a story within the novel that helps bring the history of Laos into sharper focus.
Although the reader knows from the beginning that Dr. Siri is in prison, it’s impossible to figure out how he got there and why. The mental diary in which Dr. Siri reveals his thoughts doesn’t tell us until nearly the end of the novel, and these thoughts are interspersed with the straightforward plot of the main novel.
Dr. Siri is a wonderful protagonist. He’s smart, courageous, and pragmatic–he has to be to get along in the new Laos. But he’s also caring and empathic, traits that are not highly valued at the time and place in which he lives. It’s the combination of both sides of his character that makes him so fascinating, as well as the multi-layered history of his country.
This novel, along with the others in the series, isn’t easy reading because the history of this country in the 1970s isn’t comfortable to read–it’s filled with torture and betrayals from all sides. But knowing people like Dr. Siri and his friends are there fills the reader with hope.
You can read more about Colin Cotterill at his definitely off-beat web site and read an interview with him at the NPR web site.
THE LEFT-HANDED DOLLAR by Loren D. Estleman: Book Review
The Left-Handed Dollar is the twentieth Walker novel. And although Walker has aged, he doesn’t appear to be slowing down.
As the book opens, Walker is approached by famed defense attorney Lucille Lettermore–“Lefty Lucy” to the Michigan police and federal authorities for her political views. Lucy wants Walker to find evidence to overturn the conviction of a Detroit mobster for a hit twenty years earlier; by erasing that conviction and doing some legal maneuvering, she can get the ankle bracelet off “Joey Ballistic,” re-model him as a first offender, and earn a substantial fee.
Joey B. comes from a Mafia family, has an ex-wife and two former mistresses, and a once-opulent house where nearly all the furnishings have been sold off. He’s an old, sick man who’s still denying his role in the two-decades-old attack, a car bombing that left Walker’s close friend, Barry Stackpole, with a prosthetic leg and a hand with less than the usual number of fingers.
If he’s convicted of the minor crime he’s been arrested for now, Joey B. will go to prison for the rest of his life based on his record. So Lucy wants Walker to prove that her client was innocent of the car bombing, thus clearing his record of that crime and allowing him to plead guilty to a lesser charge for the current crime.
Although Joey has certainly committed any number of violent crimes, he may not have been guilty of the attack on Stackpole. Ever the bleeding heart, although he would never admit it, Walker takes the case.
As in all Loren Estleman’s books, there’s an interesting array of characters. There’s Lettermore, the foul-mouthed lawyer; Joey B.’s former wife Iona, now a successful interior designer; her partner Marcine, former model and former mistress of Iona’s ex-husband; Randolph Severin, the retired detective who investigated the original crime; and Lee Tan the younger, a physical therapist, and her aunt Lee Tan the elder, former heroin importer who worked with Joey B. years before.
In addition, Barry Stackpole and Detroit Police Inspector John Alderdyce return, the former the victim of the car bombing who is not happy that Walker is investigating the case, the latter the cop who is just an inch away from taking Walker’s P.I. license away for good. Walker is losing friends fast, and he didn’t have that many to begin with.
It’s good to see Amos Walker again, although I do feel that the repartee between Walker and everyone else strikes a false note. It’s very arch and can be amusing, but reading page after page of it, it gets old. “I’m riding the water wagon for a little, just to see what the Mormons are shouting about.” “Next you’re going to tell me they’re breaking up the USSR.” “Don’t teetotal just for me. I left my hatchet in my other suit.” It’s clever, but it gets a bit wearing after a while. And not very realistic, I think.
That being said, I’m glad to see Walker again. He’s a rare breed these days–a tough guy with a liberal interior who’s might bend the law but won’t bend his ethics.
You can read more about Loren D. Estleman at his web site.
ICE COLD by Tess Gerritsen: Book Review
Ice Cold opens with a portrait of Kingdom Come, a religious community with a charismatic leader. The village that the members of Jeremiah Goode’s church have carved out of the barren land is basically self-sufficient and closed to the surrounding cities and towns. There’s no electricity, no running water in Kingdom Come, but there is one huge benefit, at least for the leader and the other men–polygamous marriages to young girls. And thirteen-year-old Katie Sheldon is one of those unwilling brides, forced down the aisle by the tight grip of her father to marry the reverend.
Maura, the Boston medical examiner who is a cool customer at all times, is definitely out of her big city element in Jackson Hole, Wyoming where she has gone to attend a conference. She’s also still recovering from leaving her secret lover, Father Daniel Brophy. Maura and Daniel have been lovers for more than a year, and Daniel’s inability to choose between his two loves–his church and Maura–seems to have brought Maura to a crisis point. Can she/they continue this way, or must Daniel at last make a choice?
At the conference Maura meets a former college classmate. Doug Comley is attending the conference with two friends and his teenage daughter, and he persuades the not-very-spontaneous Maura to go with them on an overnight cross-country skiing trip. Following his car’s GPS, the group becomes stranded on an icy, snowbound road with no habitation in sight. Then they see a sign in the snow–Private Road, Residents Only, Area Patrolled–and realize they have chanced upon Kingdom Come, a name they’d only just heard from a local storekeeper.
When they finally make their way down to the village, it’s deserted. The houses are empty of people, but there are cars in the garages and food on the tables. What could have happened to make the inhabitants flee their homes, leaving pets behind to die, and simply disappear?
Back in Boston, Father Daniel is worried because he hasn’t heard from Maura and she didn’t catch her flight home. The ever reliable doctor would never behave like this, he’s sure. And now even her friend Detective Jane Rizzoli of the Boston Police Department and Jane’s husband, FBI agent Gabriel Dean, acknowledge that something is seriously wrong.
Tess Gerritsen, herself a physician, has created a very strong character in Dr. Maura Isles. In this, the eighth book featuring the medical examiner, Maura has reached a midlife crisis of sorts. That’s one of the reasons she decides to do something out of the ordinary with her former college friend, a decision that nearly leads to her death. By the end of the novel, the doctor has escaped death more than once and owes her life to a very unlikely duo.
You can read more about Tess Gerritsen at her web site .
THE HOLY THIEF by William Ryan: Book Review
Captain Alexei Dmitriyevich Korolev is the police inspector in The Holy Thief. He’s a loyal member of the new Soviet republic, a member of the Moscow Militia’s Criminal Investigation Division. Although the CID is technically involved only in the investigation and prevention of criminal activity, in the Soviet Union of 1936 everything is political.
And when Korolev is assigned to investigate the brutal torture and murder of an unidentified young woman in a former Orthodox church (the church has become a Komsomol recreational and political agitation center), the political aspects of the crime become visible almost immediately.
Reading this novel is almost like taking a course in 20th-century Russian history. The country is still reeling from what they call the German War (World War I to us) and, of course, the Revolution. Food and shelter are incredibly scarce, but the people are putting up with it because of the anticipation of a glorious future just around the corner.
There’s a strong sense of walking with Korolev through the dark, cold streets of his city, the detective wearing a slightly too tight coat several seasons old and a pair of felt books, valeni, to keep his feet warm. The housing shortage is vividly portrayed too, with Korolev being very fortunate, due to his outstanding arrest record, to be allowed to move into an apartment that he has to share “only” with a young widow and her daughter. But, of course, the high officials of the Party have taken over the former residences of the assassinated royal family. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Korolev is a loyal citizen and an excellent investigator, but it’s hard for him to do a thorough job when his next step may be the wrong one. The case gets stranger when the body of the woman murdered in the former church is identified as a Russian-born nun who has lived in America for most of her life. Her murder is quickly followed by the murder of a Thief, a member of the Moscow Mafia, whose tattoos on nearly every part of his body tell the story of his life both behind bars and outside.
Korolev is a wonderful character. He is decent and loyal to the state, but he is no innocent. He’s aware of the brutalities and corruption that exist in the new government. But what is harder for him to accept is that someone within the Party, perhaps one of his own superiors, is involved in this spate of killings, which soon add third, fourth, and fifth victims.
At a time when religion is outlawed in Russia, the inspector is still a believer, although of course a secret one. And when he uncovers the fact that these murders are related to the Kazanskaya icon, the most revered holy object in Russia, it’s a double blow. The Madonna and Child icon was thought to have been destroyed, but what if it wasn’t?
William Ryan’s novel is a page-turner and The Holy Thief is obviously the beginning of a wonderful new series.
William Ryan doesn’t appear to have his own web site as yet, but you can read a very brief biography of him at
KIND OF BLUE by Miles Corwin: Book Review
Ash was a highly respected member of the Los Angeles police department until a year before this book opens. At that time he had promised protection to a very reluctant witness to a murder, but despite his best effort the woman was killed. Torn by guilt and feeling unsupported by his superiors, Ash resigned from the force.
But as Kind of Blue opens, his former lieutenant Frank Duffy comes to Ash’s mother’s house where Ash is having shabbat dinner. Duffy asks his former protegee to return to the force to investigate the murder of an ex-cop.
Ash is reluctant but he agrees, with the silent proviso that when he solves this case he’ll be able to return to the one where his witness was killed. He had been hurt by the official reprimand Duffy had placed in his file after that murder, but he sees his reinstatement as a chance to go over once again all the parts of the crime that led to his resignation–the killing of a Korean shopkeeper and the subsequent elimination of the witness who saw the shooter.
By all reports Pete Relovich was a good detective who found too much solace in the bottle. His marriage ended, and he was having trouble making child support payments for his beloved daughter, so he took a job as a driver for an escort service. Did he see something/someone there that led to his murder? Because there’s an unexpected treasure that Ash finds hidden under a tile in Relovich’s kitchen–two Japanese ivory carvings and $6,000 in cash. Where did they come from?
And is a just a coincidence that when Ash is trying to locate Relovich’s former partner he discovers that he too is dead? The official report says suicide, but Ash isn’t convinced.
Ash’s personal life is kind of a mess too. Separated from his wife, he meets a beautiful art gallery owner who is an expert on Japanese art. There’s romantic tension there, but will the fact that Nicole Haddad is of Lebanese descent be a stumbling block in their relationship? Or is that a minor problem compared to the fact that Nicole already has a boyfriend and only wants Ash when her boyfriend isn’t around?
There are so many threads to follow in this novel that I almost needed paper and pencil to keep them straight. There’s anti-Semitism in the detectives’ bureau, the various parts of the dead cop’s life, the demons that plague Ash’s sleep, and his determination to find the killer of his witness.
The picture Corwin paints of the Los Angeles police department isn’t a pretty one. There are inept detectives, crooked detectives, cover-ups at all levels. No wonder Ash wants to go it alone; he doesn’t know whom he can trust.
Miles Corwin has written a taut, exciting first novel, and I’m sure there will be more to come in this series.
You can read more about Miles Corwin at his web site.
MOONLIGHT MILE by Dennis Lehane: Book Review
Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro were the investigators in Gone, Baby, Gone. They found four-year-old Amanda McCready, who had been taken from her neglectful mother and was living with a loving couple who desperately wanted to keep her. The problem was, little Amanda had been abducted, not taken legally via the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, and at the end of G,B,G the investigators were faced with a heart-wrenching decision–to keep Amanda in her new, caring home or return her to her drug-addicted mother.
Kenzie’s decision to return the girl to her mother caused the breakup of his relationship with Gennaro. As Moonlight Mile opens, it’s twelve years later and Kenzie and Gennaro have reconciled, married, and are the parents of their own four-year-old daughter, Gabriella. They are struggling financially, as Kenzie is now the sole breadwinner while Gennaro has returned to school and is almost finished with her master’s in social work. Then they get a call from Amanda’s aunt–the girl is missing again and the police aren’t interested in doing anything about it.
Much against Kenzie’s better judgment, he and his wife are again pressed into looking for the missing girl. Amanda has seemingly turned her life around and is an outstanding student at a prestigious private school, but she is an aloof, hard-shelled girl whom no one seems to know. And her mother is involved with another criminal type and not very interested in finding out what has happened to her daughter.
The case gets more involved than simply finding Amanda, as Kenzie and Gennaro apparently aren’t the only ones looking for her. Amanda’s best/only friend, Sophie, is also missing, and neither Sophie’s self-righteous father nor Amanda’s social worker, Dre Stiles, seems to have a clue as to the whereabouts of the girls. And then a group of Russian mobsters enters the picture, determined to find Amanda, Sophie, and an antique cross of great interest to the boss of the mob.
Kenzie is still dealing with the issues from the twelve-year-old kidnapping case. He believes he did the right thing by returning the child to her mother, although Gennaro strongly disagrees with him. Can one do what he thinks is morally right and still be haunted by that decision? Would Amanda have been better served by leaving her with the people who would have been “better” parents, or would she have grown up and always wondered where her “real” mother was? That decision affected not only Amanda but also the man and woman who took her in and her own aunt and uncle who placed her with them.
In Moonlight Mile Lehane explores these ideas, plus the reality of living in today’s economy. The Kenzie/Gennaro family lives from paycheck to paycheck, and Kenzie must weigh the appeal of accepting a secure job that means working for people only concerned with the bottom line or continuing to worry daily about finances and his family’s financial well-being.
As always, Dennis Lehane has crafted a fast-paced, realistic story about modern life, crimes past and present, and how the decisions of years ago impact on life today.
You can read more about Dennis Lehane at his web site.
LOCKED IN by Marcia Muller: Book Review
In the latest series’ entry, Locked In, Shar is shot in her San Francisco office late one night. When she awakens several days later, she is told she’s a victim of locked-in syndrome, something that will be familiar to readers/viewers of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. The author of that novel, Jean-Dominique Bauby, wrote his memoir while virtually a total prisoner of his body–victims of locked-in syndrome can neither talk nor move, but they are able to hear, see, and understand everything that’s said to them. In Bauby’s case, the locked-in syndrome was caused by a massive stroke; in Locked In, the bullet to Shar’s brain had the same devastating effect.
Hy Ripinsky, Shar’s husband, and all her colleagues at the McCone Agency, are working to find the person who shot her. There’s her nephew Mick, the computer whiz; Rae Kelleher, married to Mick’s country singer father and a private investigator; Julia Raphael, former prostitute turned P.I.; and several others. Their only hope is that one of the agency’s still-to-be-solved cases is behind the attack, and so they are determined to find the culprit.
In fact, there are several unsolved cases at the McCone Agency that may have a bearing on the murder attempt. There’s corruption in San Francisco’s city hall, a young street walker who turns up dead and is not identified, a missing man. Are they all separate, or is there something tying them together that can shed light on what happened to Sharon McCone?
One of the best things about this series is following Shar’s life. In my March 9th About Marilyn blog, I wrote how important it is to me to know the back story about the lead in a series. I didn’t mention Marcia Muller in that post, and I should have. Of all the mystery writers I can think of, Muller has done the best job of creating not only a back story but a continuing story for her heroine. Each book reveals a bit more.
Shar is one of six siblings, and each one has his/her own distinct history. In the more than two dozen novels in this series, Shar and family have been through a lot–marriages, divorces, remarriages, suicide, the truth about Shar’s birth, and more. It makes Shar real, someone the reader can identify with, even if the reader cannot quite put herself or himself in Shar’s many life-altering or life-threatening adventures.
Marcia Muller has been quoted numerous times saying that she’s tired of being referred to as the “founding mother of the hardboiled contemporary female private investigator”; that by now, given the number of excellent female private eyes, she’s more like the grandmother. It’s true that there are now dozens of women following in the footsteps of Muller/McCone, but few who do it so well.
INNOCENT MONSTER by Reed Farrel Coleman: Book Review
Innocent Monster is the sixth Moe Prager mystery. As Lee Child says on the back cover, “The biggest mysteries in our genre are why Reed Coleman isn’t already huge, and why Moe Prager isn’t already an icon.” I couldn’t agree with Child more.
I had read two previous books in this series when I picked this one up at my local library. Frankly, I didn’t realize it was the sixth book or that I had only read two others; when I got home and realized this, I decided to read it anyway.
Prager’s back story is sufficiently explained so that it’s not necessary to start from the beginning of the series to find out the story of his life. Prager’s life has not been an easy one, and as this book opens he’s still recovering from the murder of his first wife, the divorce from his second, and the estrangement from his only child, Sarah, who blames him for her mother’s murder.
Their formerly close relationship has deteriorated into quick once-weekly phone calls, something which hurts Praeger greatly but which he is powerless to change as he too thinks himself guilty in his wife’s death. But as this novel opens Sarah calls him with a request to meet. When they do, she explains that the eleven-year-old daughter of her childhood friend has been abducted, and in the three weeks since that kidnapping the police have been unable to find the girl.
Prager, a former New York City policeman and later a private detective, objects strongly to taking this case, saying that he’s no longer working as a P.I. and that if the police haven’t found the girl, he won’t have any better luck. But, his daughter persists, you’ve always been lucky, at least in your work, and he has to agree. She makes him understand that the resumption of their relationship depends on his looking for young Sashi Bluntstone. The case is complicated by the fact that Sashi isn’t just any eleven year old but a nationally famous art prodigy whose abstract paintings have sold for amounts in the tens of thousands since she was four years old. Her parents are distraught over her abduction, but are they telling the police and Prager everything?
And for a young girl, Sashi has a lot of enemies. Art critics deride her paintings, semi-famous painters use the Internet to post hateful, obscene scribes about her, and museum directors voice their opinions that Sashi, in fact, is not the artist at all.
There is a lot of thinking and philosophy going on in Prager’s mind. His life has been so traumatic, so filled with betrayals by those he trusted and loved, that he has little confidence in himself and doesn’t think himself worth much. This reader, at least, formed a very different opinion of him, but it’s easy to see why a man who has gone through as much as he has isn’t looking at the glass as half full any longer.
Reed Farrel Coleman has created a mensch in this middle-aged Jewish man from New York, even if the mensch himself isn’t sure about that.
You can read more about Reed Farrel Coleman at his web site.
I’D KNOW YOU ANYWHERE by Laura Lippman: Book Review
Elizabeth Benedict is walking along a country road when she comes across Walter Bowman, just a few years older than herself. Within a couple of minutes he manages to drag her into his truck and drive off with her. Elizabeth will turn out to be the only girl who survives Walter’s abductions.
All Walter wants is a girlfriend. He’s good-looking, muscular, has green eyes, but yet he can’t seem to attract any girl at all. But he keeps trying. He picks up girls on lonely roads, has a few minutes of conversation with them, realizes they’re not interested and are afraid of him, sexually assaults them, and kills them. It’s not really his fault, he assures himself; if only one had agreed to be his girlfriend, his search would be over and he wouldn’t be forced to keep looking for others.
The novel opens as Eliza (the name she took after her abduction) and family return from several years in London–her husband, Peter; their teenage daughter; and their younger son. It’s a typical American family living in the suburban Washington area, made even more typical by their visit to a local pound to get a dog. But only Peter knows Eliza’s history.
Shortly after Eliza’s return to the States, she receives a letter that Walter has written. It’s been forwarded to her by a friend of his, Barbara LaFortuny, who is a vehement opponent of the death penalty. Walter has been on Virginia’s death row for twenty-two years, a record in that twice he made it as far as the death house, only to receive last-minute reprieves. Now with Barbara’s aid he reconnects with Eliza, first by writing to her and then by getting her to agree to be on his phone call list. Walter has a powerful motive–as his only surviving victim, her help will be invaluable in commuting his death sentence once again. He’s due to be electrocuted the following month, and this time it looks as if the sentence will be carried out–unless he can persuade Eliza to do his bidding.
The novel switches voices many times. First it’s the grown woman Eliza, then the twenty-something Walter, then the teenage Elizabeth, then Barbara, then the inmate Walter. Adult Eliza would like to put this all behind her, as she has been successful in doing up to this point; teenage Walter wants some girl, blond, slim, and beautiful, to be his girlfriend; teenage Elizabeth wants to placate Walter in order to stay alive; Barbara wants to force Eliza to help commute Walter’s death sentence to life imprisonment; inmate Walter wants to live.
As always, Laura Lippman has written an outstanding novel. Has Eliza’s attempt to keep her past private colored her entire adult life? Should she agree to be in contact with her kidnapper? Has Walter ever understood the damage he did to her, as well as to the girls he killed? Has Barbara’s own experience in being the victim of a crime given her insight into the justice system or simply moved her rigidity from her private life into a more public forum? The novel asks these questions but leaves it up to the reader to answer them. Or not.
You can read more about Laura Lippman at her web site.
WALKING HOMELESS by Al Lamanda: Book Review
Walking Homeless by Al Lamanda takes us on a trip through the Cardboard Box City of Lower Manhattan, the place where the homeless, alcoholic, and drug-addicted men and women went to live after they were removed from the newly upscale Times Square. Among these is John Tibbets. All he knows about himself is his name. He’s been on the streets for about three years, brought by a doctor to a Catholic shelter where he sleeps, when he’s able to. He spends his days stopping cars and washing their windshields for pocket money; he spends his nights having violent dreams that always end with people dying. But why is John having these dreams? He has no idea.
After saving the policeman’s life, John becomes a media sensation. Newspapers, magazines, and national television stations all want a piece of him. And so do several mysterious men. They want him alive but will take him dead if that’s their only option.
The reader knows there’s something pretty scary about John. The way he handles himself, his presence of mind under extreme pressure–this is not your average homeless man for sure. Could he have been a military man before his amnesia set in? A former policeman? But his skills seem too extreme for that. And what about his nightmares? They are becoming more detailed, less fuzzy, although John is still a long way away from figuring out who he is and why men are after him now. As we follow his dreams, we know that this is no innocent, that there are things in John’s background that are too painful to face. But that still doesn’t explain why he’s being followed.
This is an intimate look into the dark side of Manhattan or, for that matter, any city that simply wants to forget its homeless, its mentally ill, its most vulnerable. Out of sight, out of mind seems to be the motto of those in charge. This novel has a strong sociological bent, even with all its violence. And there’s plenty of that.
Walking Homeless is a stunning book. Besides being an excellent thriller, its underlying message makes you think about how we, as a society, view the neediest, least capable among us. It’s not a pretty picture.
Apparently Al Lamanda doesn’t have a web page. Aside from the fact that the back jacket says he comes from Maine, I couldn’t find out anything about him. There’s virtually nothing on the Internet. Could it be that that’s not his real name? Another mystery to be solved.
BAD THINGS HAPPEN by Harry Dolan: Book Review
Harry Dolan’s debut novel will make you hold your breath until the end.
David Loogan, now of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a man without much of a past. Or at least a past he’s willing to share. He reluctantly takes a job as an editor of a short story crime magazine, Grey Streets, at the urging of its editor, Tom Kristoll. But shortly afterward, Loogan receives a call from Kristoll asking him to come to his house; when Loogan arrives, there’s a man’s dead body sitting in Kristoll’s study. Kristoll tells Loogan that this man broke into his house and that he killed the man in self-defense. Kristoll doesn’t want to go to the police, isn’t sure the police will believe him, and asks for Loogan’s help in disposing of the body. Loogan reluctantly agrees, and they drive to a field and put the body in a shallow grave.
But then the story starts changing and things get complicated. Each time Kristoll goes over the story, parts of it change. Then Loogan begins an affair with Kristoll’s wife, Laura, and things get even more complicated. And then there are two more deaths.
Elizabeth Waishkey is the detective in charge of the cases. She’s attracted to the mysterious Loogan but keeps trying to tell him that this isn’t a story in Grey Streets but an actual police investigation and that Loogan needs to keep out of it and tell her all he knows. But Loogan doesn’t want to do that. Is it because he’s guilty? Is it because of experiences with the police elsewhere? Is it because he doesn’t trust the Ann Arbor cops and thinks he is better able to solve the murders that are piling up? We won’t know the answers to those questions until the end of the novel.
Harry Dolan has crafted an exciting, taut first novel. There are many twists and turns in the plot, what appears plausible in one chapter is explained away in another, and I was always trying to figure out whether this latest version of the story was the truth. The story is skillfully told, and its characters are appealing. There are inside jokes, such as the derivation of the hero’s last name, which will either make you feel like an insider or make you feel that you need to go to your local library or bookstore and re-read some of the classics.
I can’t decide if Dolan is planning to make David Loogan the hero of a series or if this is a one-shot deal. In either case, he has written a first novel well worth reading.
You can read more about Harry Dolan at his web site.
THE MAPPING OF LOVE AND DEATH by Jacqueline Winspear: Book Review
Maisie Dobbs, the heroine of The Mapping of Love and Death, was a nurse during the war. After her return to civilian life she became what the British called an “enquiry agent,” their term for a private investigator. In the first book of the series, Maisie Dobbs, it’s 1929; in the seventh novel, it’s 1932, and Maisie has become a successful businesswoman and sometime consultant to Scotland Yard.
Maisie returns home from the war whole in body, but her emotions and her spirit are badly damaged by the sights she has seen and by the injuries to Simon Lynch, the man she loves, who returned home shellshocked and in a nursing home.
In The Mapping of Love and Death, Maisie receives a letter from an American friend, a physician whom she met during their service in the war, alerting her that an American couple will be contacting her regarding their search for the girlfriend of their late son. The Cliftons are a very wealthy Boston family whose younger son, Michael, enlisted in the British army at the outset of the Great War, bringing his special talents as a cartographer to the Allies.
Although the parents were informed in 1916 that Michael had been killed, his body has just been discovered in France. Along with his body there were letters written to a woman he apparently was in love with, but there’s no name or address with these letters. The parents want Maisie to find this woman and perhaps shed some light on the last two years of their son’s life.
Jacqueline Winspear has built a wonderful stage for the Maisie Dobbs’ novels. The books give a picture of life in England after the war–the difficult economic times, the privations, the soldiers returning wounded in body and/or mind.
Since this is the seventh novel in the series, there’s a great deal of back story that goes with Maisie. Born into a rural servant family, she is “taken up” by the wealthy Lord and Lady Compton who early on recognize her intelligence and abilities. She’s had privileges far beyond others in her social class, including an education at Girton, the women’s college at Cambridge. But given the strict British social class system, Maisie can never be part of the upper class and yet obviously isn’t typical of the working class either. She’s neither fish nor fowl.
There are numerous recurring characters in the series, and although they are well described and their backgrounds given, I will repeat what I always say–try to read this series from the beginning. Every novel builds on the ones before, and the characters’ lives are so richly drawn that one should get to know them from the start. There’s Daisy’s father, Frankie, who is in charge of the Comptons’ stables; Priscilla Partridge, a friend from the war, now a society matron with a wounded husband and three sons; Lord and Lady Compton, through whose largesse Maisie was able to further her education; Billy Beale, her office assistant; and most importantly, Dr. Maurice Blanche, who took Maisie under his wing and made her his assistant. Each one plays an important part in Maisie’s life.
For an insightful look into the mores and times of post-World War I England and an introduction to a strong and interesting heroine, one cannot do better than the Maisie Dobbs series.
You can read more about Jacqueline Winspear at her web site.
THE TAKING OF LIBBIE, SD by David Housewright: Book Review
Rushmore McKenzie (what were his parents thinking?) is a former policeman who was able to retire when he came into a great deal of money. Now McKenzie spends his time doing favors for friends, as he puts it. But was it doing a favor that landed him in Libbie, SD?
It turns out there is a relatively simple explanation for the two men who abducted him and brought him across the state border. Several weeks before, a man using McKenzie’s name had fleeced the small town out of a big chunk of its annual budget, just how much no one will say. The impostor said his company wanted to build a shopping mall, and the town council and the mayor were only too happy to hand over money to get the ball rolling. The only problem was that there were no plans to build the mall, and The impostor left town in the middle of the night and hasn’t been seen since. Two thugs, hired by the town’s arrogant and wealthy mayor, were sent to pick McKenzie up and bring him back to Libbie for justice, but when he was deposited at the police station everyone recognized that he wasn’t the man they were looking for.
You’d think the real McKenzie would head home to the Twin Cities at this point, which he does, but only to say goodbye to his friends and then return to South Dakota. He’s determined to find the man who used his name so convincingly.
For a small town, there’s a lot going on in Libbie, SD. Besides the shopping mall fraud, there’s arson, adultery, and agoraphobia, and that’s only the a’s. When two people are murdered shortly after McKenzie returns, he’s more determined than ever to find out what’s really happening in this town.
David Housewright knows a lot of interesting facts about life in rural South Dakota. Never having even passed through that part of the country, the remoteness of it is amazing to me–no clothing stores within five or six hours of this town; entire counties in the state without physicians; college graduates departing the Great Plains for the cities, leaving behind an elderly population having a hard time dealing with things economically and emotionally. That partially explains the town’s eagerness to invest in the shopping mall scheme–it’s something to bring money and life back to a town with no future. It’s a sad portrait of a dying part of America.
This ex-cop is a bit different from the usual detective hero, and I like him. He has a lot of depth, thinks things through, and when he does something that he later feels isn’t right, he suffers for it. This is the seventh book about Rushmore McKenzie, and I plan to go back to see how he got to be who he is now.
You can read more about David Housewright at his web site.
HAILEY’S WAR by Jodi Compton: Book Review
She’s an ex-West Point cadet and a current bike messenger doing a favor for an old friend that takes her across the border–Hailey Cain’s life is a complicated one. Jodi Compton has made an excellent start in what reads like a new mystery series.
Hailey Cain is a young woman with secrets and baggage. One secret is why Hailey left West Point two months before she would have graduated; we don’t find that out until the last chapter of the novel. One piece of baggage is that, through no fault of hers, a year earlier she ran over and killed the young son of a former gang leader; the young boy dropped his nanny’s hand and ran out into the street. She tries to see the parents and extend her sympathies, but they won’t see her. Her cousin CJ suggests that she may be the victim of the boy’s father’s revenge and that she should get out of town, so she moves to San Francisco and gets a job as a bike messenger.
Hailey’s tough, but she goes to the Golden Gate bridge at least a couple of times a week trying to persuade would-be jumpers to have breakfast with her and wait at least one more day before ending their lives. So maybe she’s not so tough after all.
Hailey is approached by a high school friend, the leader of a girls’ gang, whom she hasn’t seen in years. Serena asks her to drive a young friend to rural Mexico to be with her ill grandmother. It’s a strange request, given that the girl has family members who could take her, but Hailey’s persuaded to take the job. On the second day of the trip, Hailey and Nidia are carjacked; Hailey is beaten and left on the side of the road, and when she recovers consciousness Nidia is gone.
There’s a lot of interesting information about Latino gangs, both male and female, in California as Hailey is drawn into that life to find out more about Nidia’s disappearance. It’s obvious that Hailey wasn’t told the truth about the reason for Nidia’s return to Mexico. She blames herself for the girl’s disappearance, although there wasn’t anything she could have done to prevent it. But that doesn’t stop her from digging more deeply into Nidia’s story.
There’s a Mafia component to the story too, which further complicates Hailey’s efforts to protect Nidia. And there’s a betrayal at the end that shows Hailey that sometimes even the people who have no reason to be disloyal, can be.
Hailey’s War is a fine first novel, and I look forward to Jodi Compton’s second one.
You can read more about Jodi Compton at her web site.
THE VARIOUS HAUNTS OF MEN by Susan Hill: Book Review
Although this novel is billed as a Simon Serrailler mystery, the English Detective Chief Inspector plays a rather peripheral part. The novel actually revolves around several other characters, all living in the small English cathedral town of Lafferton. I do so love British expressions–when would you ever hear an American town or city referred to as a cathedral/temple/ church/mosque/synagogue town?
A number of chapters are written in the first person by the killer. Other chapters are told from the third-person points of view of Detective Sergeant Freya Graffham, new to the Lafferton police force and coming off an unhappy marriage in London; Catherine Serrailler Deerbon, general practitioner and sister of the Detective Chief Inspector; three women who become victims of the serial killer; and various other members of the town. As many characters as there are in The Various Haunts of Men, you never lose track of who is who; Susan Hill has an outstanding ability to bring each character to life.
Angela Randall is a middle-aged woman, never married, who works in a facility for elderly people with dementia. She goes for a run early one morning after completing her tour of duty, and she never returns. Victim number one.
Debbie Parker is a young woman, unemployed, overweight, and depressed. She goes for a walk early one morning and never returns. Victim number two.
And there are others.
The town of Lafferton is small and very close knit. It’s a refuge for DS Graffham, who eagerly joins the local choir and begins to make friends. She’s enjoying her new life, until she meets her supervisor who had been on vacation when she was posted there. Simon Serrailler takes her breath away, and despite herself she falls instantly, and seemingly hopelessly, in love. She’s warned by a fellow chorister as well as by Catherine, Simon’s sister, that he has left a trail of broken hearts behind him, but Freya is unable to control her thoughts about him.
The plot is a tense one, with things moving swiftly. The characters, as I’ve said, are sharply delineated. The only false note, I thought, was the instant emotional reaction Freya had to Serrailler; I guess I’m not really a believer in love at first sight, particularly on the part of a professional woman fresh from a disastrous marriage. But this is truly nit-picking, since Serrailler’s charm and personality are obviously meant to be irresistible.
In a way, he reminded me of a much more modern Sir Peter Whimsey, a man of distinguished background and many talents, who chooses to pursue a career that is slightly “off” what would be expected from one of his class. In fact, one of the interesting side issues is the estrangement between the Detective Chief Inspector and his father, a man who can’t understand why his son chose to ignore the three generations of physicians in the family and became a policeman instead.
*And I did just that. One of the things I liked best about this book is the backstory. I wrote in my About Marilyn post of March 9 how much more enjoyable I find books/series when I know more about the character and how he/she developed. I said in that post that it’s more important to me when it’s a female character, but now I don’t know if I can stand by that statement. In the past month, since I wrote the post you’re now reading, I’ve read three more novels in this series. Each one gave me a deeper insight into Simon Serrailler and his family, and I’ve enjoyed the series more because of it.
The Various Haunts of Men is a compelling mystery with a shocking ending. Now that I’ve read the three novels that follow it, I can hardly wait to read the fifth book in the series.
You can read more about Susan Hill at her web site.